Pink socks

Categories : Lifestyle , Trends

Why pink?

Pink socks are usually associated with a typically girly accessory, but did you know that centuries ago pink was mostly chosen by men? All because pink was then considered a light shade of red, which in turn was intended for the most important dignitaries in the country. It was not until the 20th century that the color pink was specifically assigned to women. Today it is a color that has a rich symbolism. It is associated with affection and friendship, but also with love, and especially with germinating feelings, while red means confession, pink can be useful for exploring the territory. Thanks to a gift in this subtle color, you will find out whether the other person also looks at you in a romantic way, or rather gives you only collegial affection. It is believed that pink is the color of optimists, hence the saying: look at life through rose-coloured glasses. It is good to remember, however, that the symbolism of colors to a large extent depends on a particular cultural circle. Pink plays an important role also in Japan, where it is indispensably associated with blooming cherry blossoms. The plants signify life and health and at the same time refer to the period of wars, when each blooming flower symbolized a warrior killed in battle.

Pink flowers

Invariably, flowers are considered one of the best additions to a gift. Both a big bouquet and a single branch can make an impression on your other half. What matters most is gesture and intention. If you decide on pink socks, why not also include pink flowers? Bouquets in this color are a perfect choice for lovers. Powdery color symbolizes, among others, liking and friendship turning into love. If you are not sure whether the other person feels the same way about you, a bunch of pink flowers can be a kind of a subtle question. Moreover, pink flowers are also a good gift for family and friends. In this case, the color symbolizes care and a feeling of gratitude. The meaning of the plants may vary slightly depending on their species. Roses are the perfect choice when you want to check if the other person reciprocates your feelings. Pink tulips, on the other hand, are more often chosen for the family, as they are not strictly associated with romantic love. Daisies are an interesting case as they are sometimes given to the objects of affection as well as to people who are just plain lovers. Daisies are associated with youthful charm and joy of life. They are great flowers for a partner as well as for a sister. It is a perfect present for a partner as well as for a sister. You do not have to wait for Valentine's Day to make your close ones happy and a pink gift will surely be appreciated.

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