Precious socks for every occasion
Some people have their favorite gems, while for others it is quite a distant topic. The key to the choice does not have to be the name or properties of the stone, but its color. Today we will focus on sapphire, a blue mineral. Its deep color evokes various associations. It brings to mind both the sky and the sea waves. We, on the other hand, associate it with... socks! If you do not want to buy new jewelry for the Day of the Jewels, a budget alternative is sapphire socks. In our collection you will find both plain and patterned models. Not only pairs of a particular color are connected with the concept of preciousness, but also socks made of natural materials. Fortunately, you will not find the majority of polyester in our collection. Instead, you will find a rich selection of cotton socks and wool socks. Who knows, maybe some of them will additionally charm with their blue hue? Speaking of sapphire socks, it's time to go back to the gem they owe their hue to. It is an extremely beautiful mineral, which is usually associated with a blue or navy blue color. However, in nature there are also sapphires of white, pink, red, purple and even black color. The stones are mined in Sri Lanka, India, Australia, Cambodia, Thailand or Madagascar. In Poland sapphires are rare, however, in Lower Silesia there are minerals with transparent and white color.
The stone of wisdom
The name of sapphire comes from Greek and Arabic language. In direct translation it means a blue stone. It is this color that has become most characteristic of sapphire. Sapphire minerals are extremely popular in jewelry. Right next to diamonds, they are the most preferred stone for engagement rings. Even Kate Middleton wears jewelry with sapphire on her hand. Sapphire is chosen for engagement rings due to its symbolism, among other things. The blue stone in an engagement ring is associated with truth, sincerity, and fidelity. In addition, the cornflower mineral has been attributed magical properties for centuries. The Persians believed that wearing a talisman with sapphire is a guarantee of immortality and eternal youth. In Greece, in turn, the stone was associated with clairvoyance. All thanks to the fact that the sapphire was considered to be Apollo's stone, i.e. the god of arts and divination. Christianity did not resist the belief in the exceptional properties of sapphire either. In the 13th century every bishop was obliged to wear a ring with the blue mineral. It was the order of Pope Innocent II himself, who wanted to protect the clergy in this way against bad influences. In addition, the sapphire is sometimes called the stone of wisdom and the stone of transformation.