Socks for shy people

Shy People's Day

Shyness is often confused with introversion, but these are two separate terms. The former refers to a mental state, while the latter refers to a type of temperament. A shy person can be both an introvert and an extrovert. It is worth fighting the stereotypes in which it is believed that shy people want to disappear into the crowd at all costs. Of course, this can happen, but it is not a general rule. Just like any other person, a shy person can like both colorful and eye-catching clothes and accessories, as well as subdued and quiet outfits. In the first case, crazy socks with tropical leaves or colorful plaid socks will work. On the other hand, those who prefer classic style should like elegant suit socks. Even today, scientists argue about the causes of shyness. Among the most frequently cited factors are pressure from parents or peers, and unpleasant memories of being rejected or judged, for example. There is also a theory according to which the development of shyness may be influenced by inborn tendencies. However, in most cases it is the person who is the source of pain for the other person. The Day of Shy People aims to raise awareness of how many people struggle with this problem. It is not always possible to prevent it, but sometimes, thanks to kindness and openness to another person, it is possible to make it easier for another person to function in the society.

What exactly is shyness?

The feeling of fear and embarrassment, fear of being judged, and also dryness in the throat, sweating hands or trembling muscles - most people have experienced at least one of these symptoms at least once in their lives. Shyness has different faces. It may be a temporary state caused, for example, by an uncomfortable situation such as confessing feelings, public speaking, job interview or an important exam. However, it happens that shyness becomes permanent, which leads to serious social anxiety. It may concern both emotional (e.g. anxiety or embarrassment) and somatic sphere (e.g. blushing, accelerated pulse). Just as there is no single cause of shyness, there is no single effective way to combat it. Shyness appearing temporarily does not have to be a special problem, problems appear when it significantly affects the quality of life and leads to the limitation of basic social activities. It is certainly better to avoid telling shy people that their problem will be solved by leaving home. Such advice works on a similar principle as telling a depressed person that there is nothing to worry about after all. A good way is to show the other person kindness and listen to them. In some cases, in fact, it may be that gradually getting used to the presence of people will have the desired effect. In other cases, for example in the case of strong social phobia, it may be necessary to consult a psychologist or a psychiatrist. The most important thing is not to be afraid to seek help, which is not a reason to be ashamed. Instead, it should be a reason for pride caused by a desire to make changes which are to improve the quality of life.

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