Come on in for a hug

Categories : Lifestyle , Trends

Sweet socks

Hugs Day is an especially sweet holiday. Often, in the pursuit of daily chores, we forget how wonderful small pleasures can be. Just a short hug from a dear person makes the world a much better place. If you want to pamper a loved one even more, a great idea is to give them a gift. It doesn't have to be a big thing. What matters most is the gesture and remembrance. Undoubtedly, a cozy gift is pink socks. In our offer you will find models resembling sweet candyfloss or powdered candy. These associations alone make a person feel warm at heart. Certainly one of the sweetest pairs are socks with a cake. Such a model does not at all have to be reserved exclusively for birthdays. After all, every day is special and this fact alone encourages celebration. If you frame your gift with a long hug, surely the day will become even better.

Why is it important to hug?

Hugging is not only very pleasant, but also beneficial to health. Even a short hug, lasting just 20 seconds, stimulates the secretion of oxytocin. It is known as the hormone of love and trust. It makes it easier to build close relationships, and it also levels stress, lowers blood pressure and helps you relax. Just one hug can work real wonders. Thanks to hugging, the level of serotonin, the happiness hormone, is also increased. If a wide smile appears on your lips after hugging your other half or a friend, it means that serotonin is doing its job. Thanks to hugging, we become calmer and more relaxed, and our self-esteem also increases. With all this through hugging you build bonds and show that the other person is important to you. In the arms of a loved one, everything seems easier and everyday problems lose their importance. What better time to try out all these benefits than Hugs Day? This unusual holiday is also referred to as Free Hugs Day. If there is a loved one somewhere next to you, this is the perfect time to give them a hug!

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