Crazy patterned socks for kupala night

Socks with flowers

Nowadays we pay most attention to Greek and Roman mythology, but our lands also hide many amazing stories. Slavic folklore is full of mythical characters and unique stories. We especially return to them on the night of Kupala, which this year falls on June 21. Before the all-night party, it is a good idea to stock up on warm socks. What is the best motif for celebrating St. John's Day? It's a custom closely related to the natural world, so a great purchase would be socks with a meadow. The Slavs believed that various flowers and herbs possessed magical powers that worked precisely during the night of kupala. Some plants chased away wandering wraiths, while others enhanced fertility or ensured a happy marriage. The shortest night of the year has had an aura of mystery about it for centuries. The evening becomes even more magical with original socks with flowers or socks with skylights. Thus prepared, you will even more willingly enter the world of Slavic myths.

Magical powers of russets

Numerous ancient Slavic customs are associated with the summer solstice period. For centuries, it was believed that this was a special time to know one's destiny, as well as to meet the souls of the dead. A very important role was then played by the elements, especially water and fire. Large bonfires were supposed to show the way to the souls and at the same time ward off wraiths. Fire was a symbol of the Sun, while water was associated with the Moon. It was believed that on the night before Saturday all mythical creatures associated with the element of water return to Earth. A person who decided to take a bath in a river, lake or pond at that time was facing a sad fate. Drowners, mammoths, aquatic creatures and mermaids were only waiting for unwise people who fell directly into the snares of mysterious creatures. Bathing was recommended on the very night of kupala, when the magical creatures had already departed to their worlds. At that time, the water was said to have healing powers. Although nowadays aquatic and russet have rather positive symbolism, it was quite different in Slavic times, when both creatures were considered demons. Water mermaids appeared in the form of beautiful golden-haired girls who enticed young men with their extraordinary beauty and loud laughter. It was believed that mermaids became girls who died in maidenhood. That is why the creatures were hostile to young women, whom they envied for their successful lives, and to men, whose indifference marked the fate of the mermaids. From afar, the water maidens marveled at their beauty, but when someone approached them, their true face was revealed. Angry faces and green hair covered with vegetation aroused terror, but it was often too late for the daredevils, who were drawn into the watery vortex and did not return from it. Some russets gave their victims a chance in the form of a riddle. The correct answer could save a person's life. Stories are known about noble russets whose hearts still beat for people. In love with their potential victims, they deliberately invented very simple puzzles, the solution of which saved lives.

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