Crazy socks for scientists

Scientific socks with patterns

Although most of us associate him with the theory of relativity, it was not at all the theory that guaranteed him the Nobel Prize. Albert Einstein received the prestigious award for his explanation of the photoelectric effect, which proved the existence of photons. It's hard to find a better authority in the sciences. Our accessories can remind you every day that your dreams are worth fighting for and that sometimes the key to success is to go against the grain. Patterned socks bring to mind the uniqueness of photons. Best of all, there is no one specific pair that is the best, because each of us interprets specific prints in our own way. Crazy patterned socks can become a symbol that stepping out of one's comfort zone can be life-changing. A colorful out-of-the-box model is a great accessory not only for lovers of an outstanding scientist, but also for all those who like unusual accessories. Maybe even colorful socks will become an inspiration for you to reach for Einstein's works? Although most teachers would probably consider it unedifying, the physicist is not at all the best role model in the field of discharging his duties. Einstein loved science, but he was never the best student and didn't particularly apply himself in class. He even had the lowest grade point average in his college group.

Dreams and romance

Undoubtedly, Einstein was an outstanding scientist, but it is much less often mentioned that he also had an extremely interesting personality and led a peculiar life. Biographers say that the Nobel laureate was very lovable, and staying faithful was not among his qualities. The scientist had two wives. The story goes that he told the second of them that he would generally prefer to marry her 20-year-old daughter. However, historians are increasingly leaning towards the figure of the physicist's first wife. It turns out that Mileva Marić may have co-invented the theory of relativity. This thesis is based, among other things, on the words contained in the spouses' correspondence. Many scientists are notorious for having low sleep requirements, and often suffer from insomnia. Einstein, for his part, admitted that he could sleep as much as half of the day. The scientist could successfully be called a citizen of the world, as even his Nobel Prize was not assigned to any country, and this happened at the physicist's express request. Einstein renounced his German citizenship. This decision was due, among other things, to his desire to avoid military service. In the following years, the Nobel laureate took Swiss and American citizenship. With all this, the physicist had Jewish ancestry, which led to the designation of a prize for his head. The Nazis offered five thousand dollars to get rid of the scientist. The person concerned himself, upon hearing the news, expressed his surprise that he was worth that much.

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