Socks with Santa Claus
The image of St. Nicholas has changed markedly over the years. Nowadays we rarely see the image of the dignified bishop. Americans have spread a completely different vision of St. Nicholas. Since the 1930s, the image of an amiable bearded man with flushed cheeks and a sizable belly has become commonplace. A red outfit, a hat with a pom-pom and a sack full of presents became his inseparable attributes. The modern Santa Claus is said to live in Lapland, where cheerful elves help him put together presents. When the moment is right, however, Santa sets off in his reindeer-drawn sleigh to distribute gifts to all good children. And while we're on the subject of gifts, it's impossible not to mention one of the most popular Santa gifts - Christmas socks. Depending on the region, the gifts are hidden, for example, in shoes or under a pillow. The gifts are mostly for children, but it's also a great opportunity to spoil your sister, friend or mother a little. It will be a special trip to their childhood days for them. What kind of socks to choose? First of all, those with Christmas patterns, they are the ones that allow you to feel the magic of the upcoming Christmas Eve. Socks with a nutcracker and socks with patterns are eagerly chosen.
Where to look for the beginning of Santa Claus?
For centuries, the image of St. Nicholas was associated with the bishop's attributes - a pastoral, a mitre and a red robe. Santa Claus was celebrated as early as the Middle Ages. Since the 10th century, liturgical dramas were quite popular, which were staged precisely on December 6. They were intended especially for young audiences. The themes of the plays were based on legends about the life of St. Nicholas. One of the most famous stories was the one about a dowry for three daughters of an impoverished merchant. St. Nicholas provided them with dowries, thus saving the girls from working in a brothel. St. Nicholas was considered the patron saint of children and protector of the needy. Independently, a tradition of giving gifts to children developed in many regions of Europe. December 6 became a day on which the youngest were gifted with, among other things, cookies, fruit and other treats. There is also a theory that the custom of giving gifts was started by French nuns. The women would walk around town on Christmas Eve, December 6, and leave gifts for poor children on their doorsteps. Even today, depending on the region of Poland, there are various legends about St. Nicholas. For the most part, however, they are more related to local folklore than to the real life of the Bishop of Myra. In Těšín Silesia, you can still meet costumed characters on December 6, who are called Santa Clauses of Těšín. In Poznań, on the other hand, special attention is paid to the cleanliness of shoes. If someone leaves shoes covered with mud or dust for Santa, then instead of a gift, they may land in them... a rotten potato.