New Year's resolutions - putting your drawers in order

How to fold socks?

Whether you're a mess or a pedant, you've certainly experienced how troublesome socks can be. Not only do they inexplicably disappear during washing, but the remaining pieces look as if they've been chewed by the family pet. Today we reveal how best to store socks. The most popular method of stacking both sports and suit socks is to roll them into a ball. However, does this method have that many advantages? Unfortunately, no. The main problem is that this method of folding can significantly damage the socks. The welt, of the sock on the outside, gets stretched and loses its aesthetic look and properties. Especially socks made of cotton are exposed to deformation. Among the advantages of folding into a ball, on the other hand, one can mention the fact that the socks are combined into pairs. A much better choice is to roll up the pairs in the so-called rolls. This will keep the socks in pairs and will not be damaged in the process. The downside of this method is that it works best when the entire drawer is filled with socks. The rollers need to be leaning against something. Placed individually they may not keep their shape. Another way is to fold pairs horizontally. Here again we have the same advantage, while the disadvantage is that the pairs will lie one on top of the other, making them not all immediately visible. However, the method that has the most advantages is vertical stacking of socks. You first lay two socks on top of each other, and then fold them in half twice. This creates a bundle that is ready to be placed vertically. The socks look very aesthetically pleasing, don't fall over, and save a lot of drawer space.

Where is the best place to store socks?

As many people, so many storage preferences for accessories. Some people cannot imagine keeping socks outside the drawer, while others choose special organizers. There are also those for whom the ideal place for socks is... a chair. However, in order to make good use of the previously learned methods of folding, it is best to use a drawer or an organizer, which you can hide e.g. in a closet or place it on a shelf. There is such a wide range of different organizers available nowadays that you will be able to find one that will match your home decor. Another solution for storing socks is to keep them in elegant boxes. This way, you can protect your favorite pairs against damage and, above all, against loss. Our gift boxes are perfect for this purpose.

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