Comfortable socks
The work ethos is very strongly rooted in Poland. It has many good points, but the downsides are much less often discussed. What is the reaction of colleagues when one of them talks about having had to pull an all-nighter by sitting on an important project? Mostly they nod their heads in acknowledgment, or such behavior is considered the norm. Unfortunately, even leaving work on time is sometimes perceived as a symptom of lack of commitment. It's high time to change this and take care of your needs. The concept of self-love, or self-love, turns out to be important here. Valentine's Day can be about not only the other person, but also how you treat yourself. What is worth starting with? It can be a simple little thing, such as buying yourself something nice. Have you been dreaming of comfortable wool socks for a long time? Nothing prevents you from making yourself a small gift. Or maybe you love Valentine's Day themes, but you give them up by being single? No one should take away your pleasure from wearing heart-shaped socks or socks with cupids. One of the most important principles of self-love is to accept yourself and your needs. None of us is perfect, and striving for perfection can sometimes be destructive. We often automatically attribute good qualities to others, forgetting that we also possess them. A little healthy selfishness is very important for maintaining life's balance. Remember that your needs are extremely important, and there's nothing wrong with setting limits. Already St. Augustine emphasized that the one who loves his neighbors best is the one who also gives love to himself.
How do you take care of your needs? - self-care
When we talk about the concept of self-love, the term self-care often appears right next to it. This is a collection of ideas and inspirations suggesting how a person can take care of his needs. These suggestions include ways to spend leisure time, but also to improve the hygiene of life. In the daily rush, a person forgets the importance of following rules that significantly affect the condition and health of each of us. If you want to take care of yourself, it's a good idea to start by regulating your sleep. It is estimated that an adult should sleep about 7 hours a day. The most common effect of sleep deprivation is fatigue, but along with it come concentration problems and impaired cognitive and body motor functions, among others. Regular sleep is the absolute basis of self-care. Immediately following is a healthy diet and movement. Changing habits is not an easy matter, so it is best to start with small steps. In recent months, the planetary diet has gained a bunch of followers. Its main idea is to eat more vegetables and fruits and limit so-called junk food. The intention of exercise is to make it as enjoyable as possible. Don't like spending time at the gym? If so, it's definitely not worth forcing yourself to do so. Maybe instead your heart is closer to nature walks, dancing or yoga. Exercise strengthens your condition, improves your cardiovascular system, and also contributes to the production of endorphins. This makes you feel better and become more rested. Self-care is also about small pleasures such as meeting friends, visiting a spa or shopping. The most important thing is that the activity makes you happy.