Socks for Spooky Season

Halloween socks

Literally translated, spooky season means a scary or spooky time. The term came to us from the West, and especially from the United States, where the period before Halloween is particularly celebrated. Large hollowed-out pumpkins appear on porches, and monstrous spider webs can be seen on trees. Figurines of witches or ghouls also appear in places. In our cultural circle, too, this time is increasingly celebrated. Stores are filled with distinctive black and orange decorations, and on Halloween itself, children start wandering around the neighbors asking: candy or prank? If you like to feel the thrill, there is much to suggest that Halloween decorations will appeal to you. Great choices are products that will work well not only during the spooky season, but also for the rest of the year. Among them you can certainly mention Halloween socks. The only conundrum that remains is which model to choose? In our collection you will find a large number of different creatures. This year will you bet on skeleton socks or maybe zombie socks? One of the bestselling pairs are also socks with ghosts. Mostly during the spooky season we focus especially on Western legends, but it's also the perfect time to get better acquainted with Slavic folklore, which is full of magical creatures. In the coming weeks, we'll introduce some of the unique creatures that are said to have once inhabited Slavic lands.

Love of the water maiden

In Kashubia you can still sometimes hear stories about water maidens who suddenly appeared in villages and stole the hearts of all the young men. If one saw a maiden whose beauty was breathtaking, the elders whispered that she might be the child of one of the local men and a redunicy. This name was used to describe the water maidens who inhabited the Radunskie Lakes. These creatures had no ill intentions towards humans. On the contrary! They were simply fond of their company and sought it whenever the opportunity arose. Virgins possessed two faces. During the day they looked like ordinary women, while at night their legs were covered with scales and their feet transformed into flippers. However, both figures were invariably stunning in their beauty. The maidens had beautiful long hair and unusual eyes whose color resembled the depths of a lake. With all this, the girls were always accompanied by a smile, and just talking to people filled them with joy. Interestingly, water maidens could form happy relationships with men. There was one condition - the chosen one of her heart could not know her nocturnal face. If he once matured her scales, then the maiden fled to the lake and could never return to land again. However, stories of happy marriages are known, which gave each other great love and lived to see a bunch of children. Only the extraordinary beauty of the mother and daughters sometimes gave rise to rumors, proclaiming that the blood of enchanted redunics must flow in the veins of women.

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