To the table served, or tasty socks

Categories : Lifestyle , Trends

Appetizing socks

The world of fashion draws inspiration from a variety of fields. Sometimes flower buds or stormy skies are the source of inspiration. Sometimes, however, the impulse to create an original design is... food. Who could resist clothes with a motif of their favourite food? Both amateurs of traditional cuisine and fans of culinary experiments will find something for themselves in our store. Socks with dumplings and socks with avocado perfectly reflect the variety of tasty dishes. However, in March we pay special attention to baked goods. The question immediately arises, why? But the reason is trivially simple. March 15 falls on the Day of Bakers and Confectioners. Nowadays, people appreciate these professions even more. Since many of us have tried to bake bread or cake by ourselves, it has become clear that this is not an easy art at all. Bakers and pastry chefs are magicians of sorts who are able to conjure up delicious treats from inconspicuous ingredients. That is why March is a great time to treat yourself to a sock cake. Maybe the sweet pink color will inspire you to try creating your own confectionary masterpiece. On the other hand, if you are not a cake lover, but you would give everything for a piece of fresh and fragrant bread, we recommend brown socks. Their shade is reminiscent of a crusty bread crust, which brings to mind the carefree times of childhood.

The first bread

During the year 2020 the statistical Pole ate about 36 kg of bread. It is hard not to agree with the statement that it is one of the basic elements of many people's diet. However, a dozen or so years ago this value was over two times higher. This is due to, among others, the growing popularity of a varied diet, in which oatmeal or wholemeal pancakes are often chosen instead of morning sandwiches. The oldest bread found by archaeologists was discovered in Crete and is estimated to be 6100 years old. Although it is called the same as modern baked goods, it was very different from them. The first recipes resulted in flat cakes and sharps baked in ash. Another improvement was baking cakes covered with a pot made of clay. Thanks to this solution, ash did not get into the cakes. In ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt, attempts were soon made to loosen the cakes. Yeast and sourdough were used for this purpose. These recipes are already much more similar to modern recipes. Nowadays, we can enjoy an extremely wide variety of baked goods. The Bakers and Confectioners Day is a great opportunity to try your hand at baking bread.

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